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Long eyebrow how to prosthesis
  Thank you for trust and support of Qingdao China Korean orthopedics hairdressing hospital!

  Long eyebrow prosthesis has good flexibility, soft, easy to shaping a good preoperative sculpture. Difficult to find a small incision, all with periosteum dismount. Under the existing contours of eyebrow and the circumstances surrounding bony eyebrow design of the new axis. With brow uplift axis will determine a good three-dimensional shape. Mei Wei in the brow or the general surface into the frontal bone, forming cavity hole, will set a good set prosthesis implantation Long eyebrow area. Shorter operative time, postoperative prosthesis Long bandaged eyebrow, no stitches scar ,5-7 days after surgery beautiful nature, difficult to detect, not red, white phenomenon. About a month to recover. Long eyebrow prosthesis well fixed, so the best eyebrow a natural three-dimensional effect, and the intangible phantom outline.


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